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Private Event

Private Event Chicago

Reality is also transforming the world of education, where content may be accessed by scanning or viewing

A Musical Journey Around The World

Transition to something new

Invest In Your Culture

You don’t need to think about the delivery and installation of the equipment, it’s all already included.

STEP 01 Estimate

We will assess the scope of work and your needs

STEP 02 Date Reservation

we agree on a date and time for the convenience of planning future events

STEP 03 Delivery and Installation

we take full responsibility for the delivery and installation of the equipment

You can always be one step ahead, to be different is to be different

from everyone else.

schedule and prices

cost according to working days and hours

Mo – Th

work hour 2pm-11pm:

  • my rate for 3h 700$
  • dj service
  • equpment
  • delivery
  • instalation


work hour 2pm-11pm:

  • my rate for 3h 900$
  • dj service
  • equpment
  • delivery
  • instalation


work hour 2pm-11pm:

  • my rate for 3h 1 000$
  • dj service
  • equpment
  • delivery
  • instalation


work hour 2pm-11pm:

  • my rate 3h 1 200$
  • dj service
  • equpment
  • delivery
  • instalation


Ah, the technical interview. Nothing like it. Not only does it cause anxiety, but it causes

Reinvent architectures

So strongly and metaphysically did I conceive of my situation then, that while earnestly watching his motions.

Extend dynamic applications

One way to announce or promote a certain new product or special events is perhaps through using of vinyl.


Ah, the technical interview. Nothing like it. Not only does it cause anxiety, but it causes

Reinvent architectures

So strongly and metaphysically did I conceive of my situation then, that while earnestly watching his motions.

Extend dynamic applications

One way to announce or promote a certain new product or special events is perhaps through using of vinyl.

#private party

Ah, the technical interview. Nothing like it. Not only does it cause anxiety, but it causes

Reinvent architectures

So strongly and metaphysically did I conceive of my situation then, that while earnestly watching his motions.

Extend dynamic applications

One way to announce or promote a certain new product or special events is perhaps through using of vinyl.


Ah, the technical interview. Nothing like it. Not only does it cause anxiety, but it causes

Reinvent architectures

So strongly and metaphysically did I conceive of my situation then, that while earnestly watching his motions.

Extend dynamic applications

One way to announce or promote a certain new product or special events is perhaps through using of vinyl.


Ah, the technical interview. Nothing like it. Not only does it cause anxiety, but it causes

Reinvent architectures

So strongly and metaphysically did I conceive of my situation then, that while earnestly watching his motions.

Extend dynamic applications

One way to announce or promote a certain new product or special events is perhaps through using of vinyl.

Check out my music and pick something up for yourself

I work in different genres of music depending on the atmosphere and location, you can check it out below


Kansas City ribs are serious business when it comes to BBQ. True to tradition.

Liquid DnB

Having used discount toner cartridges for twenty years, there have been a lot of fun.


Summer is often synonymous with beaches, ballparks and barbecues, all offering.

Dark Disco

Parties and family gatherings are popular this time of year. Whether you’re celebrating

Organic House

When I first mention this to most people, they really don’t get it, so here is a simple.

Garage / UK

At every moment you can tell if the vibration that you are sending is either a positive.


It is easy to make a choice when there is direction

My Musical Path Since 2006. I Am Here For You Now. So Enjoy The Moment

Limited offer, save 20% on annual plan. Book events for the whole year and get a good offer.

Book today

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